Specialist Treatments
Indian Head Massage (40 mins)
During the massage, your therapist uses traditional massage techniques and pressure points on the back, shoulders, neck, head and face to relieve pain and tension, boosting circulation and encouraging oxygen flow to the brain. Indian Head Massage can be tailored to suit your individual needs, focusing more on particular problem areas.
40 mins £40
Reflexology (40 mins)
A unique Oriental foot massage, reflexology is based on holistic principles and springs from the same Chinese roots as acupuncture. Working on the pressure points of the foot this gentle therapy allows the body to heal itself, creating a general feeling of well-being.
40 mins £40
Ear Candling (30 mins)
A natural and relaxing therapy using traditionally by the Hopi Indians. This treatment is excellent for anyone who suffers from sinusitis, headaches, migraines, head colds, glue ear, hayfever or excessive wax. This treatment is completely painless and helps to rebalance the ear by drawing out impurities. It’s relaxing, soothing and a natural alternative to syringing. Includes a relaxing sinus and head massage.
30 mins £35
MICRO-BLADING by Sarah Simpson
Is a Japanese form of semi-permanent make up, this procedure is very different from the tattoo method, the pigment is embedded closer to the skins surface using a micro-blade hair strokes resulting in a more defined look. This treatment is semi-permanent and can last up to 12-18 months.
*Please pay Sarah direct
£140 | Top up £60